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Hi my name is

Muhammad Faizan

A Full-stack Developer

I am a Full-Stack Developer with a passion for delivering exceptional results.

With my expertise in React,ReactNative and NextJS on the frontend, and Strapi cms, Sanity cms, NodeJS, and Express on the backend, I bring a unique combination of technical skills and creative problem-solving to every project I work on.

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Who am I?

Code With Fazi profile picture

With 2 years of comprehensive experience in web and app development, I have honed my skills in both frontend and backend development. In addition to my hands-on experience in web and app development, my skills has also played a critical role in providing a strong foundation for my career.

Here is my educational background.

ICS (Phy)

  • Studied computer science, software development, DevOps


University of Central Punjab
  • Studied Accounting and Finance

Web & App Development

Code With Harry & Thapa Technical | 2021
  • Full-Stack Web and App Development In React & ReactNative

Featured Projects

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code”? I got you.
Here are some of my projects you shouldn't misss
Terminal Portfolio

Terminal Portfolio

My portfolio website in terminal version developed with React and TypeScript. In this project, styled-components library is used for styling and multiple themes supported.

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Styled-Components
Haru Fashion App

Haru Fashion

An ecommerce web application where users can browse various products, add to wishlist, add to cart, and make purchase. Available in English.

  • NextJS
  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS
  • ContextAPI


Portfolio website build in Html,Css and Javascript.Host on github pages and source code is on my github account

  • Html
  • Css
  • Javascript
  • Github


SaveTok is TikTok video downloader.Download Tiktok Videos Without Watermark.A web app that downloads tiktok videos without the annoying tiktok watermark.

  • Savetok
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Emotion
Other projects can be explored in my github profile


I write blog posts about what I've done and what I'm doing as a documenting practice. Here are some of my recent blog posts.
  • Posted on:  at 

    Developing a terminal-like website using ReactJS, TypeScript and Styled-Components. Includes features like autocomplete, multiple themes, command hints etc.

  • Posted on:  at 

    My journey about planning, designing and developing my very first portfolio website and my personal blog. Thoughts about my motivation for this project and experiences.

  • Posted on:  at 

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Let's be awesome together!

As a dev, I am driven by my love for coding and my desire for new challenges. If you have opportunities for collaboration or want to build something amazing, don't hesitate to contact me!

Chat On WhatsApp!